I am Alexandra Nae, an Entrepreneur, and Psychologist specialized in Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy, Reiki Master & Shadow Reiki Grandmaster.
My passion for psychology was born out of curiosity: understanding human behavior and "deciphering" thoughts and emotions that underlie our everyday life decisions. Curiosity turned into understanding - understanding "difficult personalities" as well as causal relationships, both within our internal environment (thinking, emotions, and other mental processes) and external (the environment of origin, family environment, potential traumatic factors, etc.). Subsequently, my desire to educate people and contribute to the development of future specialists emerged.

Currently, in addition to my practice at the office (one-on-one sessions of Mental Coaching / Business Coaching / Psychotherapy / training for future Sports Psychologists), I have developed the concept of "Mental Coaching for Performance," which primarily focuses on developing skills and mental processes that can help you achieve "High Performance" in any field of activity (sports, professional, personal, relational, etc.).

Clinica BLUE
Am creat o echipă multidisciplinară, formată din psihologi, psihoterapeuți, consilieri și alți specialiști în domeniul sănătății mintale care au câștigat încrederea clienților prin pregătirea de specialitate, anii de experiență, profesionalism, implicare, grijă și seriozitate, pentru a reuși să venim în întâmpinarea tuturor clienților care ne contactează, indiferent de problema cu care se confruntă.
Suntem de părere că fiecare om este unic: are o anumită structură de personalitate care îl poate predispune către diferite vulnerabilități psihologice, iar pentru a găsi soluția potrivită este necesar să soliciți ajutorul psihologului care are specializarea potrivită pentru tine.

I have created a multidisciplinary team to meet the needs of all clients who contact us, regardless of the issue they are facing.
I believe that every person is unique: they have a specific personality structure that may predispose them to different psychological vulnerabilities, and to find the right solution, it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist with the appropriate specialization for you.
If you are going through difficult times and feel like you have no way out, you feel like you are losing control, and none of the solutions you've tried are working, don't give up! Choose a specialist from my team and learn how to regain control over your thoughts and emotions.
Additionally, I offer personalized programs, individual or group sessions, courses, and workshops that aim to help you overcome mental barriers and become the best version of yourself.
If you wish to start a collaboration, I can help you understand:
How your mind works (what are your thinking patterns);
Why you feel the emotions you feel;
Why you self-sabotage;
What your "blocks" are;
How to get out of a depressive episode;
How to control thoughts that make you worry and increase your anxiety levels;
How to manage stress factors in your life (which can lead to panic attacks, heart attacks, strokes, gastrointestinal problems, or other medical issues);
How to find your inner balance and...
How to help you achieve your goals!
Do YOU believe in your chance?
Reiki Master and Shadow Reiki Grandmaster since 2023
Sports Psychologist & Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapist (under supervision, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists) from 2019
Consultant in Applied Behavioral Analysis since 2017
Vocational Counselor (Career Guidance) & Personal Development Counselor 2019
Psychologist at CEBIS Int between 2018 and 2019
Intervention program coordinator and behavioral therapist at the Autism Help Association between 2017 and 2019
Co-coordinator of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) at the PUZZLE Romania Association during 2017 - 2018
Behavioral therapist at the PUZZLE Romania Association between 2015 and 2018
Assistant psychologist at an individual psychology office between 2012 and 2015
2024 - Training in Shadow Reiki
2023 - Training in Usui & Karuna Reiki
2019 - Training in Sports Psychology - Smart PSI Association
2017 - Training in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy - Romanian Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
2017 - Master in Applied Psychology in the Field of National Security - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest
2016 - Registered Behavior Technician Course - Specialization in applied behavioral therapy
2015 - Bachelor's Degree in Special Psychopedagogy - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest
Vocational Counselor;
Personal Development Advisor;
The National Symposium of Psychology of the Romanian Police, 11th edition;
National Interdisciplinary Conference Stress, Anxiety and Depression, 5th edition;
INFO-PSIHO Symposium 2018;
ABA International Conference 2018;
International Conference "ADHD - A to Z";
International Conference “The role of the counselor in the local and global community”;
"First Steps in Face Reading";
Registered Beavior Technician (RBT);
Conference on Experiential Psychotherapy and Unifying Personal Development, 7th edition, Bucharest;
Art therapy;
“Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach”.