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Cum recunosc depresia?: Famous Quote


Depression is a mental health condition. It undermines people just as much  rust gnaws on iron  - gently puts control over the whole body, starting from the eyelids, to the muscles that hold the right spine, then it affects the heart and so on.

And for those around you,  the mental suffering is too great, and the cause seems too small.

Depression  It is NOT a  disease  which heals with motivational quotes and does NOT even pass with lime and orange tea.

Depression  involves (features):

  • a sad mood,

  • lack of interest and pleasure in favorite activities,

  • weight loss or gain,

  • sleep problems or the need to sleep more,

  • fatigue or lack of energy,

  • difficulty concentrating,

  • thoughts of death and / or suicide.

Depression can be defined as a sad, melancholy, constant mood that drains you of energy and prevents you from enjoying the small pleasures of life. It prevents you from dreaming, from wanting… and finally from questioning what life is and what your purpose is here.

Without treatment,  depression  not  disappear!

A Depressive Episode is characterized by:

  • Depressed mood,

  • Loss of interest, motivation;

  • Loss of emotional resonance in positive and / or negative events,

  • Absence of emotions, feeling of inner emptiness (emptiness of mind);

  • Apathy or, on the contrary, anxiety, tension, irritability, frustration and anger;

  • Depressive mood differs qualitatively from normal sadness or mourning through the intense intensity of emotional experience;

    Cognitive symptoms are manifested by:

    • decreased concentration,

    • hesitant decisions or even indecision,

    • low self-esteem,

    • feelings of self-depreciation,

    • helplessness, hopelessness,

    • pessimism,

    • self-blame, unjustified self-accusation,

    • suicidal ideation.

    Psychomotor symptoms are manifested by:

    • engine delay  manifested by: slowing of movements, animation, reduced or even absent non-verbal communication  or

    • agitation  manifested by: motor restlessness, uncontrolled and meaningless hyperactivity.

    Somatic symptoms include:

    • insomnia or hypersomnia,

    • loss of appetite or increased appetite + significant change in weight,

    • loss of vitality, vigor,

    • fatigue, tiredness,

    • diffuse, generalized and undifferentiated painful or visceral symptoms.

    Depression does not take into account age.  In the case of a person who has a first episode of depression at an advanced age, other factors may be involved such as changes in the brain and body (for example, the appearance of "blockages" in the blood vessels - ischemia - or stiffening of blood vessels, including those at the level of the head) (see the article on depression in the elderly).

    Causes :

    The causes that can lead, over time, to the appearance of depressive symptoms are numerous.

    The most common are:

    • Neurotransmitter disorders  (neurotransmitters are chemical mediators that take the nerve impulse from the neuron in order to amplify the nerve impulses in the synapses);

    • In the  family history  there are cases of depressive disorder or alcoholism;

    • The loss of a parent  (a longer period of mourning);

    • Neglect in early childhood;

    • Negative life events;

    • A hostile and / or critical partner;

    • Lack of a close relationship;

    • Absence of social support;

    • Very low self-confidence.

    Antidepressants. What does it help?

    Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the type of depression, the psychiatrist may prescribe certain medications - antidepressants. These are recommended following a thorough assessment of family history, the onset of symptoms and their frequency, as well as behavioral changes with implications for important areas of functioning (home, school / work, personal life, etc.).

    It has been scientifically proven that in moderate and severe cases  The combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and drug treatment leads to positive results, and the relapse rate is much lower compared to people taking antidepressants alone.

    Depression Treatment.

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy  is a psychotherapeutic intervention,  focused primarily on identification  negative automatic thoughts  and their restructuring in an adaptive (objective) manner.

    Secondly, the modification of these problematic thoughts also implies the modification of certain ones  Behavior  maladaptive.

    All of these are intended to reduce emotional distress.

    features  Cognitive-behavioral interventions are:

    • they are based on a theoretical conception   (based on Beck's studies on depression, not a simple collection of techniques);

    • are short and limited in time (I will teach you to apply the techniques learned in therapy and in everyday life);

    • are problem-oriented and the factors that sustain it;

    • they have an educational character (cognitive-behavioral techniques are seen as skills that are learned through exercise).

    Also,  In many cases, psychotherapy is recommended in parallel with psychiatric treatment  (antidepressants).

    Cum recunosc depresia?: FAQ
    alexandra nae depresie ghid

    Depression  It is NOT a  disease  which heals with motivational quotes and does NOT even pass with lime and orange tea.


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