Who are we addressing?
We address organisations that need to find the best candidates for their open positions;
Organizations that want a Selection and Recruitment process at the highest standards, through candidate Profiling analysis;
Organizations that want to increase the productivity and efficiency of their employees;
Organizations that face low job satisfaction, mobbing, burnout, or personnel turnover;
Organizations that want to create the perfect working environment for their employees;
Organizations that want to adopt modern communication and relationship strategies;
All companies that want to take their business to a new level.
Our mission
Misiunea echipei Mental Coaching for Performance este să ajute cât mai mulți oameni să ajungă la cele mai înalte performanțe, atât la nivel individual, cât și la nivel organizațional. Echipa MCP îți pune la dispoziție servicii de recrutate și programe personalizate care îți vor ghida angajații către o mentalitate de succes, transformând punctele vulnerabile în puncte forte pentru a obține cele mai bune rezultate.

Our services
Psychological Evaluation
We accelerate the selection and recruitment process through our candidate assessment system using Profiling analysis.
Profiling analysis (in Recruitment) helps the employer to identify which personality profile is compatible with the characteristics of the vacancy, so that the "right man in the right place" is hired.
Organizational Diagnosis
Organizational Diagnosis involves analyzing, identifying, and evaluating factors in the organizational climate that hinder the optimal functioning of your company.
Organizational Optimization / Transformation
Organizational Optimization includes trainings, workshops and and seminars for various departments, as well as for managers and other leadership positions.
Organizational Transformation implies periodic evaluation of employees, with the aim of identifying potential problems in advance, as well as maintaining the changes agreed upon in previous stages.

We have already created and implemented in approximately 20 companies (& still counting) this Business Coaching program, customised based on the needs of each company, which aims at a 360 approach to mental and emotional health in organizations, with the following objectives:
Increasing employee motivation and performance;
The decrease in the number of medical leaves;
Reducing staff turnover;
Ensuring an emotionally healthy organizational climate;
Increasing employee resilience to the inherent challenges of the dynamic work environment.
Every employer has faced, at least once, with:
lack of employee motivation (although the salary is above the average level in the economy);
"lazy" employees (either they take breaks far too often, or they like to socialize with their officemate about various things);
employees who do not seem to understand simple tasks and who make many mistakes;
late employees;
employees who take frequent days off or sick leave;
...and the list goes on.
Recent studies show increased cases of depression and anxiety disorders among the Romanian population. In short, this means:
increased concentration problems;
irritability and irascibility;
increasing communication and relationship difficulties;
predisposition to burnout;
decreasing efficiency and productivity.
"On this vulnerable psychological background it was (and is) necessary to adapt to a new lifestyle - the COVID-19 pandemic - which, according to the studies of my curious colleagues in 2020, brought:
increasing health concerns;
fear of having a serious illness;
the appearance of somatizations;
increased incidence of panic attacks and health anxiety;
social self-isolation (predisposing factor for depression);
job loss or work from home (which involves changing the routine and daily habits, plus working effectively in the presence of the child/children) etc." (psych. Alexandra Nae)
The specialists with whom you will collaborate
Why choose Mental Coaching for Performance for your Company?
Full services
Sourcing for potential candidates;
Personnel selection and recruitment;
Organizational diagnosis and intervention;
Supporting specific trainings / workshops, based on the identified vulnerabilities;
Periodic reassessments;
1-on-1 Coaching sessions.
Online Appointments
1. The initial phone call appointment can also be scheduled online;
2. The services offered can also be provided online (through the Zoom platform).
If our services are desired face-to-face, we come to the company's headquarters by prior appointment.
What do you need to do?

You can contact us via email, and we will schedule a free consultation session!
We want to get to know you and learn as much as possible about your company, so we can create a tailored strategy that best meets your needs.
We will send you a personalized offer, again and if our plan is exactly what your organization needs, we will start working immediately!
Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 21:00
Sâmbătă: 09:00 - 16:00
Duminică: 09:00 - 14:00